The editor behind Cellar Door

Laura MacAulay, Book Editor

Hello out there!

I’m Laura: lifelong bookworm, word nerd and proud, editor of fiction and creative nonfiction. I help authors craft reader-ready stories that burn brightly, chapter by chapter, word by word.

But can you trust me?

An exam evaluation by Editors Canada describes me as “a brilliant editor” with “a great ear for the rhythm and flow of a sentence” and “a remarkably astute editorial eye.” I trained in Toronto Metropolitan University’s Publishing Program, where I was three times nominated for the Robert Weaver Award for Excellence in Editing. I also hold a BFA in Studio Arts and a certificate in teaching English.

Eight years of experience in writer support

Before becoming a full-time book editor, I was a story reviewer and bookshelf curator at Episode, a self-publishing platform for YA fiction. I have also worked as an academic editor for university students, and taught ESL to kids, teens, and adults for several years.

Dedicated to your success as a published author

Having worked with so many writers, I know how intimidating it is to put yourself out there, to wave around your blood, sweat, and tears for everyone to see. But I also know how incomparably rewarding it is to take that risk. My heart’s content is to help you get the very best of your work off the ground.

A little more about me

Hailing from Ottawa, Canada, I now live in Montreal, where it’s still too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer. I’ve also done stints in Victoria and Halifax, where I indulged in tide pools; and Japan, where I got lost in translation. When I’m not editing, I’m likely to be found hiking somewhere green, trying out a new type of dance class, or burying my nose in a delicious book.

Take a peek at my recent reads here.

Member of:

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“Laura proved to be a smart, emotionally intelligent editor who gives clear and straightforward notes with grace and kindness. I will definitely use her services for my second novel.”

— Sylvie B. 


A sampling of books I have recently edited. For each, I provided both story-level and sentence-level support.