Professional book editing for powerful storytelling

There are two kinds of books:

the kind that gathers dust on the shelf, and the kind that grabs you by the throat (the gut, the heart) and forces you to stay up late under the covers to find out what happens. Anything less, and back it goes onto the shelf. You want to captivate your readers? You want your story to stay with them long after they’ve turned the last page? From plot architecture to comma placement, find out what your draft needs to get your readers hooked and stay there. (Huddled, transported.)

The editor behind Cellar Door

Laura MacAulay, Book Editor

Hello out there!

I’m Laura MacAulay, a developmental editor, line and copy editor, and proofreader specialized in fiction and creative nonfiction. I help authors craft reader-ready stories that burn brightly, chapter by chapter, word by word.

An exam evaluation by Editors Canada describes me as “a brilliant editor” with “a great ear for the rhythm and flow of a sentence” and “a remarkably astute editorial eye.” I trained in Toronto Metropolitan University’s Publishing Program and also hold a BFA and a certificate in English teaching. Previously, I was a story reviewer and bookshelf curator at Episode, a self-publishing platform for young adult fiction. I have also worked as an academic editor for university students, and taught English to kids, teens, and adults for several years.

Member of:

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“I couldn’t have found an editor who gets my characters like Laura does.”

— Naemi Tiana, author of The Lovely One

Editorial Services

As your editor, I help you get your story flowing like red-hot lava—beautiful to behold, impossible to ignore.

How can I best help you prepare your manuscript for publishing?

Manuscript Critique

A detailed report assessing your novel’s premise, plot structure, characters, and other big-picture narrative elements, as well as a summary of its stylistic and mechanical needs. This is a custom guide to revising your manuscript for powerful storytelling.

Developmental Editing

Comprehensive scene-by-scene feedback throughout each chapter of your manuscript flagging problems in point of view, continuity, believability, suspense, and more—and suggesting solutions to help you better reach your readers.

Line & Copy Editing

A thorough sentence-level edit of your manuscript, cleaning up bloopers in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as well as sharpening your writing line by line so that each sentence conveys your intended meaning clearly and effectively.


“Laura went above and beyond in bringing my story to life.”

— Susanna Oreskovic, author of Expedition to Mystery Mountain


A sampling of books I have recently edited. For each, I provided both story-level and sentence-level support.